As a nineteen-year-old professional skydiver, Mickey Robinson underwent a plane crash that left him with catastrophic injuries. After a near-death experience, Mickey courageously overcame multiple terminal medical complications and recovered miraculously, as documented in his memoir, Falling into Heaven. Since his second chance at life, Mickey has been a public speaker nationally and internationally, sharing words of encouragement and hope that continue to change lives and inspire people of all ages. Mickey and his wife live outside of Franklin, Tennessee.
Mickey Robinson opens the way for every believer to enter into new and fulfilling prophetic possibilities, providing biblical and historical background for the operation of prophetic gifts and also explaining safeguards and practical methods for prophetic ministry.
As a nineteen-year-old professional skydiver, Mickey Robinson underwent a plane crash that left him with catastrophic injuries. After a near-death experience, Mickey courageously overcame multiple terminal medical complications and recovered miraculously, as documented in his memoir, Falling into Heaven. Since his second chance at life, Mickey has been a public speaker nationally and internationally, sharing words of encouragement and hope that continue to change lives and inspire people of all ages. Mickey and his wife live outside of Franklin, Tennessee.
Mickey Robinson at Come to the River, Fonda Park, NY 6/22-25 @ 7PM ...
Mickey Robinson will be at 220 Industrial Dr, Lexington, Ohio 5/26/2023 @ 7PM ...
Mickey Robinson will be at Covenant Church, Mount Vernon, Ohio 5/28/2023 @ 10:45AM ...
Mickey Robinson will be at Community Vineyard Church, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 2/11/2023 @ 6PM ...
Mickey Robinson at Bethel Brunswick Campus 2/10/2023 - 2/11/2023 and other area assembly 2/12/2023 TBD. ...
Supernatural Encounters 2023 Featuring Mickey Robinson 1/25/2023 & 1/26/2023 ...
Mickey Robinson Streaming Live On - 10/13/2022 - 9:30 AM CDT ...
Mickey Robinson will be speaking at The Well Fellowship, Sumner WA, May 13, 2022. ...
World Harvest Special Event - Rice Lake, WI - April 23, 2022. We will have a time of worship as well as with guest speaker Mickey Robinson. ...
Join us at Vineyard Christian Fellowship - 275 Potts Way - Grants Pass, OR 97526 - Friday, September 10, 7:00 - 9:00 pm ...
Join us at the Müller Home Property, at 1330 Colyn Ave, Murfreesboro, TN 37128 on August 14th, at 6:30 P.M. ...
Soar 2.0 / Power Weekend at the River of Glory Outpouring with Mickey Robinson - July 30, 31 and August 1, 2021 at 7PM hosted at Josiah Center, Maplew ...
World Harvest Special Event - Rice Lake, WI - June 2 - 6, 2021 We will be at Veteran's Memorial Park in Rice Lake, WI. We will have a time of worship ...
Easter Weekend With Mickey Robinson - Three Days Of Glory at The Well - Wilkesboro, NC - April 2 - 4, 2021 ...